Danish Comfort

Cozy house

A space where there is room for everyone

The project aimed to create a cozy and play space where both children and adults could be together and create the social space.

A room that was not used very much, was transformed into the magical room with lovely warm colors in blue and green, where you can play, learn and immerse yourself. Here they had the opportunity to take a walk in the sensory swing, relax in a beanbag chair or immerse themselves in the cozy house with their iPad or book.

It was important for the children that they could take a break, rest or just relax, so we chose a large mattress on wheels with pillows, where they could both tumble but also just be together. For the big kids and adults, we made a bit of a cafe table where they could get an overview of everyone and at the same time have something social together. The big kids thought it was great to sit and do homework.

Finished result